
The best for
independent journalism


What we do for independent journalism


Let your readers tip your work


Offer your article for republication


Your own website within a day

What we do fro independent journalism


Let your readers tip your work


Offer your article for republication


Your own website within a day

Who we are

Reporters Online is a Dutch collective of freelance journalists who publish and monetize their own work. We are the biggest independent network of journalists in Europe, there are currently about 800 participants..

We offer journalists the opportunity to collect donations for their work and to crowdfund. We also create and host websites for journalists.

As of June 2023, we publish some of our articles in English, pending a European launch of our platform.

Reporters Online was founded in 2015 by former journalist Jan-Jaap Heij and developer and SEO/social media expert Gyurka Jansen.

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